Contact Us

The only thing we are more passionate about other than balanitis is our coffee and that's because SuraGel is a company that never sleeps. Our chat, email and phone lines are LIVE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

An odd upside to being devoted to such a specialized subject as balanitis is that we simply can't outsource our customer service and we wouldn't want it any other way. To us an educated consumer is the best customer. In fact, we couldn't thrive if it weren't for people who looked beyond typical marketing hype and focused on the science of balanitis. To promote that end, we promise to do whatever it takes to help answer any balanitis related questions you may have no matter what hour of the day.

Here are the 3 fastest ways to get a hold of a real person on our end:

  • chetChat:
  • emailEmail: Click here or email us at and expect an answer within 5 minutes.
  • phonePhone:
    Toll Free
    833.SURAGEL (that's 833.787.2435) or
    ' +1.657.777.3987
Rest assured, SuraGel has some of the friendliest and most knowledgeable staff when it comes to issues of balanitis. Customers have even reported feeling elated after talking to us because our staff has a way of putting your worries to rest. The only other thing that comes remotely close to easing our customer's concerns is our unique satisfaction guarantee.