Our Satisfaction Guarantee

Clear as day, without any fine print

We want your relief to start the moment you place your SuraGel order and that means taking away any concern that you may have about our company or our product. To help you make a confident purchase, we offer a one of a kind satisfaction guarantee:

Simple try SuraGel at our risk. Buy a bottle (or 3 or 12) and use as much of the product as you like. If the product doesn't perform beyond your expectations, please ask for your money back. We insist on it. Orders help our company grow but refunds force us to improve. In both cases, you'll find an agent ready to assist you with a friendly attitude.


You'll be glad to know that despite offering such an open guarantee, our refund request rate is well below 1%.

You can take advantage of our guarantee by simply calling our 24 hour toll free line at 833.787.2435 or our local line at 1.657.777.3987. All we ask is that you ship the product back with any shipping method you'd like. This is done to prevent abuse of our broad refund policy. Your shipping charges should be around $1 and we refund 100% of the charges made to your credit card the same day as product receipt.

There you have it. A transparent guarantee that protects you and leaves nothing to chance.